just another cinema

To celebrate its 30th anniversary, the Taiwan International Women's Film Festival presents the publication project "just another cinema."
The book design embraces simplicity. The cover highlights the theme by extracting "#her" from "another," exploring the history and culture of "her," condensing rich historical materials into the title. The book's lightness in thickness suggests the complexity and indescribable nature of women's issues.
The cover features a cut-out design and a bookmark shaped like a ticket, which, when pulled to the right, reveals the complete quote: "Time is built into her body in the sense of becomingness." - Maya Deren. This symbolizes the continuous evolution and vitality of the Women's Film Festival through time.
The design uses a subtle light blue color, continuing from the exposed spine stitching to the table of contents, article titles, and gradient section dividers. This blue hue represents the blue halo projected on the screen during a film, bringing the cinema experience into the book.

台灣國際女性影展為慶祝三十週年,特別獻上 《她的電影意識史》 出版計劃。書冊設計化繁為簡,封面從 "another" 擷取 "#her" 點亮主題,窺探關於「她」的歷史、「她」的文化,將豐厚史料濃縮於書名之中。開本厚度捨重就輕,暗示女性議題難以用言詞概括的本質。
封面上的切口設計、票券形狀的書籤,向右抽取逐字揭開,即可見完整文句 "Time is built into her body in the sense of becomingness." - Maya Deren,一如女性影展經過時光更迭、幻化而生生不息。

客戶 Client | 台灣國際女性影展 Women Make Waves Taiwan @wmwiff
藝術指導 Art Director | 林天惠 Millie Lin (Happ Design)
資深設計師 Senior Designer | 石書瑗 Fairy Shih
專案管理 Project Manager | 萬鈺涵 Yuhan Wan
印務統籌 Printing | 晶華彩色印刷有限公司 Jing Hua Print Shop
紙材 Paper | 大亞紙業 Daya Paper
裝幀攝影 Book Photography | 張國耀 Chong Kok