VIBE Magazine Rebrand

VIBE magazine is an American music and entertainment magazine founded by the legendary producer Quincy Jones and David Salzman. The publication predominantly features Hip Hop and R&B artists. The magazine illustrates a bold and edgy aesthetic. 

The future VIBE is a platform that showcases the talent of African Americans to increase their visibility in the performance and art industries. Provide a platform that gives African Americans opportunities to express themselves.

The key visual is comprised by three letters V to represent the brand’s three objectives—Expressive, Supportive, and Dynamic Community. The brand color uses black, gold, and deep purple to convey loyalty and integrity.  The future VIBE is more than just a magazine, it’s a brand that creates more opportunities in the community, from music to fashion or film and production, the series of services can provide and support the young generation to find their passion and career path in the industry.

>>>This is a non-commercial project of a graphic design student. This project is not intended to represent the parent band in any way. It is done with full admiration and respect toward VIBE company.

VIBE 是一個結合美國流行音樂文化以及產業的雜誌。主辦人昆西琼斯是美国首位重要的非洲裔电影音樂創作人,也是首位在大型音樂錄製公司擔任高级管理人員的非洲裔美国人。VIBE 雜誌也成為美國流行文化的先鋒。其中以嘻哈,藍調音樂作為雜誌主要的文章。但是 VIBE 雜誌一直都不是以印刷流行雜誌主軸,品牌宗旨是希望能提供非裔美國人一個展現自己的平台而這也跟嘻哈與藍調音樂的概念不謀而合。

品牌的新識別使以三個V結合的星形圖案,代表了品牌的三大宗旨expressive表現力, Supportive支持,以及dynamic community多元團體。其中以黑,金,沈紫為品牌顏色基底勾勒出忠誠和榮譽的品牌形象。而未來的 VIBE 撇去了大眾對於嘻哈藍調音樂的刻板印象,抹去了街頭粗略形象。

全新的 VIBE 依樣秉持著提供給非裔美國人平台為品牌的靈魂,新的VIBE提供了一系列的團體來給年輕的一個展現自己的幾會。不管你是對時裝,攝影,音樂有興趣,VIBE一系列服務都能提供年輕人一個發展的平台。其中服務包含了職捱的規劃,不定期的業界領導演講,每年的VIBE音樂節以及到業界實習的機會。這給了非裔美國人更多的就業以及探索志向的機會。